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  • Re: Weird error

    We've got it figured out and I'm surprised this isn't more common. &nbsp;The issue was that we moved from 2003 server to 2008 R2 for all the servers and ran into this fun stuff. &nbsp;;The saves worked fine, but every once in a while the upload everything event would fire on a ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by andybrummer on August 4, 2011
  • Weird error

    We have this control on a web farm with the temp folder pointed to a share on a file server. &nbsp;We are trying to migrate from our current file server running 2003 to one running 2008R2. &nbsp;When we do that migration we start getting ittermitent failures. &nbsp;Here is the stack trace from one of them.&nbsp;When we take one of the servers out ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by andybrummer on July 29, 2011