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  • Re: HTML <BR> Tag

    &gt;Try &gt;;You can find the source code of the above example in the download package.&nbsp; Thank you, I tried. The result is the same though it tried. Input data: abcd 12345 Output data:Click The HTML for xmloutput.asp edit Window &lt;div&gt;abcd &lt;br/&gt;12345 &lt;br/&gt; &lt;/div&gt; Is my ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Yoshi on November 9, 2005
  • HTML <BR> Tag

    Hi,&lt;br&gt; is converted into &lt;br/&gt; when the page of HTML is loaded and it edits it with CE for ASP 4.1. I would like to output it by &lt;br&gt; of the HTML standard. Cannot CE output the HTML standard? &nbsp; Regards Yoshi
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Yoshi on November 9, 2005