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  • Re: HTML2PDF Question

    Also, as I mentioned before, the error occurs on the .Render() call, before the .Save(), so at that point, the path hasn't been specified anyways, so that shouldn't matter.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BobtheCkroach on July 11, 2008
  • Re: HTML2PDF Question

    I'm not saving to a path - I'm using a memorystream to generate the document, attach it to an email and send it, then drop it. &nbsp; I got the basis for the code here: &nbsp; I tried searching the forums for the error, didn't find it, but found this, which was close.&nbsp; I followed the instructions ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BobtheCkroach on July 11, 2008
  • HTML2PDF Question

    I'm attempting to convert HTML to PDF from; I'm using the following code, which I found in another thread (modified slightly) &nbsp; dim content as string = ''&lt;b&gt;Hello World!&lt;/b&gt;'' &nbsp; dim conv as new CuteEditor.Convertor.PDF.HTML2PDF(content) &nbsp; dim s as new ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BobtheCkroach on July 9, 2008