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  • Re: Remove the pager and edit the upload/edit screens

    Ok figured out a way to take care of the pager using some code and styles. &nbsp; I didn't mean the how to edit a description I ment to change the edit description data grid.&nbsp; I was just able to go into imageinfo.aspx and hid columns I did not want and spruce up the style.&nbsp; Only thing I have not found is a way to change the mouse over ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by roberty on February 23, 2006
  • Remove the pager and edit the upload/edit screens

    Working with the DotNetGallery and have come across two questions. &nbsp; 1.&nbsp; I want to remove the pager.&nbsp; I won't have any galleries over 20 images so I want to set it up for unlimited rows (or like 10) and don't want it to display the page number at the bottom.&nbsp; How do I do that? &nbsp; 2.&nbsp; Also I want to edit those ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by roberty on February 21, 2006