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  • Re: FileTypeNotSupportMsg include Filename in the pattern

    Thanks for the answer. &nbsp; However, I wouldnt like to do that whole code just for the sake of showing the filename. The system I work in is multi language, and has some quirks I dont want to mess with. I just prefer to keep it as simple as possible and as it comes from stock. &nbsp; We can live without it for now, but I think it should be ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by KatlimRuiz on October 18, 2012
  • FileTypeNotSupportMsg include Filename in the pattern

    Hi &nbsp; Can we add a new enhancement to the control so the Filename is a wildcard in the message that we can insert? &nbsp; Today the message says something like &quot;Only these file extensions are possible {0}&quot; where {0} is the file extension list (.bmp, .xls). &nbsp; The assumption should be &quot;The file {0} is not supported. ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by KatlimRuiz on October 17, 2012