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  • Re: Using CuteEditor in XML

    Yes&nbsp;I can. I'm generate code html with xml and xsl in a project web.&nbsp;The data are extracted of Databases and using asp introduced in the labels of xml, but i don't find the ASP code of CuteEditor to put in a label of XML. Do you understand?
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by RReyes on January 9, 2006
  • Using CuteEditor in XML

    &nbsp; Hello, I have CuteEditor for asp two month ago. I&#8217;m working in a web project and I&#8217;m using XML, I need put the source code in a Label named(Editor), but I don&#8217;t find these code in the package that&nbsp;they sent me.&nbsp; Where can I find this code?&nbsp; Thank you.
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by RReyes on January 4, 2006