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  • Re: hide anchor tag icon?

    Adam, Thanks for the quick reply!&nbsp; I gave that a try and that is much better (no flag) but there is still a 16X16 approx. place holder for where the anchor sits.&nbsp;I am thinking the&nbsp;anchor&nbsp;display icon is a set size and does not take on the size of the icon? &nbsp;Any ideas how to make it smaller or totally hidden??? Thanks ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AngC on August 15, 2006
  • hide anchor tag icon?

    I was wondering if there is anyway to turn off or hide the anchor tag icon (blue flag) for the icons in normal mode.&nbsp; My clients are inserting from Word with bookmarks/merge fields that get converted to anchor tags on paste and these anchors are not needed in the editor.&nbsp; I know in some cases they are needed so I wouldnt want to change ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AngC on August 15, 2006
  • Dropdown in toolbar that does postback and insert?

    I am trying to create a custom dropdown in the toolbar that will do a postback to do some calculations and then insert the value calculated at the cursor position?&nbsp; I know I could just use the ''text'' value and append it to the end but anyway in the postback server side code to do an insert into cursor position?&nbsp; I was thinking maybe I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AngC on February 9, 2006