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  • IE 7 & access problems

    Hi guys,First let me congratulate you on the great product you have created.Here is the situation that I face. I use the editor's Javascript API to manipulate the inner html (Set, Get &amp; PasteHTML methods in perticuler). Up until recently all was working ok. As IE 7 is released I encontered the following problem on it:When the user positions ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on November 3, 2006
  • Re: XHTML property breaks in some cases.

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Thanks for the quick answer, I tried what you suggested and it worked fine. As it appears the XHTML is problematic only when there is a single attribute not followed by = and a value (such as CHECKED and selected). Unfortunately, these attributes are automatically added by the editor when a radio button or checkbox that is cheked ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on May 19, 2006
  • XHTML property breaks in some cases.

    Hi guys, I know that one of the major fixes done in the las version of CuteEditor (5.3), was the XHTML property. In the previous version in some cases it did not return XHTML Comliant html. There were some&nbsp;posts on the subject I think (including a couple from my colleague Stefan Dobrev). I want to congratulate you with the new release. I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on May 19, 2006
  • Re: Problem with Javascript attached events

    I don't want to put any pressure on you guys, but the matter is a kind of urgent. Is this some kind of insuperable problem or there is a work-around? The editor is used by web designers, that use all display modes (Normal, HTML, Preview) frequently and it is crucial that events be attached all the time. &nbsp; Please respond when possible.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on May 18, 2006
  • Problem with Javascript attached events

    Hi there, &nbsp; There seems to be a bug with attached events. I attach a handler for the onkeyup event if the editor and everithing works just fine. However, when I go from Normal to any other (HTML or Preview) and then go back to Normal tab the event handler appears to be detached&nbsp;. I tried this also with the sample editor at: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on May 16, 2006
  • How to Attach to "Delete" event?

    Hi there,In the Javascript API example is shown how to attach to the ''onkeypress'' event. However I want every time a text is being altered or deleted to make some Javascript validation of the HTML. for inserting new text in the editor I can attach to the onkeypress event and make the validation every time but if the user tries to paste some text ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on April 28, 2006
  • Javascript API

    Hi guys, &nbsp; First I want to congratulate you for the great product. I was wondering whether you can help me with a task I'm trying to perform. Having those dropdowns helps a lot but I want to be able to add additional items to them using Javascript. I read the Javascript API that is part of the Documentation but there is nothing there that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on April 28, 2006
  • Inserted HTML changes :(

    Hi, Currently with version 5.2 of CuteEditor I have the following problem. When input tags are entered inside the html view manually in the following way: &lt;input type=''text'' /&gt; and after switching to Normal or Preview mode, then back to html view the input tag is changed to: &lt;input&gt;. If I use &lt;input type=''submit'' /&gt; instead ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on March 15, 2006
  • Html Input changed

    Using the latest vesion of CuteEditor with Framwork 2.0 I configure it in the following way: &nbsp; editor.AutoConfigure = AutoConfigure.Full; editor.SecurityPolicyFile = ''Admin.config''; editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false; &nbsp;editor.RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = true; editor.UseRelativeLinks = true; editor.DisableAutoFormatting = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on February 27, 2006