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  • Re: Select files programmatically

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Still not there. I&apos;ll explain once again: suppose you have a simple &lt;input type=&quot;file&quot;&gt;&nbsp;on the page and click the Browse button to select some file. How can I pass the information about the selected file to the uploader to actually upload the file upon page submit? (*I don&apos;t care that this scenario ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Andry on November 13, 2012
  • Re: Select files programmatically

    Hi Ken, My explanation was probably not clear enough. I don&apos;t need the&nbsp;uploader support drag and drop. I already have this functionality on my own. The only thing&nbsp;I need is to tell the uploader that files I&apos;ve selected (without clicking the browse button). Hope this makes sense. &nbsp; Thanks in advance.&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Andry on November 12, 2012
  • Select files programmatically

    Hi, I&apos;m looking to combine the Ajax Uploader functionality with HTML5 files drag and drop feature. There is an uploader control on the page and HTML5 area where a user can drop the files to. I want to use the drop area instead of the file selection dialog, but then pass those files to the uploader to make the job. Is this possible?
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Andry on November 12, 2012