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  • Re: Add dropdown to toolbar?

    thanks for the reply. &#160; can i add a ''brand spanking new'' dropdown?&#160; if not, can i change the name from ''code snippets'' to something more meaningful to my app?&#160;also i assume it's possible to display only the drop down i want to (or is it all or nothing?)&#160;thanks again
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on March 3, 2005
  • Add dropdown to toolbar?

    Hi, I'd like&#160;to create a dropdown on the toolbar to display a list of text strings that can be inserted into the editor whereever the cursor is.&#160; What would be the most pain-free way to do this?&#160; Are there examples of something similar?&#160;Thank you -
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on March 3, 2005
  • Re: The License for Editor is not valid.

    Adam I did this a few minutes ago, I replied to the email you sent with the license file. &nbsp; I had already deployed the trial version and just copied the license file over, could that be a problem?&nbsp; I'm assuming the trial version 3.0 is the same as the purchased domain version..
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on September 15, 2004
  • The License for Editor is not valid.

    Hi, I just purchased the domain license and am getting this error.&nbsp; I have deployed the license file to the bin directory of the ASP.NET app, is there anything else I need to do? &nbsp; Thanks
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on September 15, 2004
  • Re: Link Button Problem

    Yes, using Visual Studio.NET 2003 and the CuteEditor_Files folder is included.&nbsp; I excluded the folder, then reincluded it to get the prompt about building code behind files.&nbsp; I clicked OK to build each one but that didn't fix the pop up problem.&nbsp; Here's the first line of the aspx page: &nbsp; &lt; % @ Page ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on August 19, 2004
  • Re: Link Button Problem

    Hi adam, I'm having trouble with the other pop ups too, insert_table insert_image ,etc.. &nbsp; Here is the first line &nbsp; &lt;%@ Page CodeBehind=''insert_link.aspx.cs'' Language=''c#'' AutoEventWireup=''false'' Inherits=''CuteEditor.Include.insert_link'' %&gt; &nbsp; thanks for your help
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on August 17, 2004
  • Link Button Problem

    Hi forum, I've embedded CE for ASP.NET (3.0.1672.21223) in a web page and have been using it for a bit, editing and saving html documents.&nbsp; But I've just discovered that the link button causes a parser&nbsp;error: ''Could not load type CuteEditor.Include.insert_link''.&nbsp; This is the insert_link aspx page complaining that it can't find the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on August 17, 2004