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  • Re: Problem with latest version in Firefox

    Ken -- reinstalled, and it worked fine. Then I went into cuteeditor_files\Configuration\Security\Default.config and changed the AllowUpload from true to false, and that caused the error. Furthermore, changing the setting for AllowCreateFolder from true to false does not remove the icon to create directories -- just displays a pop-up that says ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by xbobbr on April 6, 2013
  • Problem with latest version in Firefox

    I&#39;m getting the following error message when I try to load the InsertDocument dialog box in Firefox 20. Do not have the problem in IE9 or 10. &nbsp; Error when initialize uploader : Ox19a.getComputedStyle(...) is null &nbsp; Would like to use this updated version for my users who upgraded (unwittingly) to IE 10, but will stick with the old ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by xbobbr on April 3, 2013