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  • Re: Free localhost access

    Yes. thanks Karen!
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by tah on May 2, 2006
  • Re: Small Business License

    I really asking you that is the small business license, the best option for us?&nbsp; It seems so, but i just didn't understand the third paragraph under the License Info section(highlighted): Small Business License: A small business license allows use of the Software for all users at 10 sites within a single company.&nbsp;&nbsp; The license ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by tah on May 1, 2006
  • License

    I think Small Business License would be all we need&nbsp;but I not sure... what&nbsp;the ''but not on a&nbsp;development server)...''&nbsp;means.?&nbsp; Can run on production servers but not development servers?&nbsp; Anyway, our company needs are for ASP.NET development: Web application and Intranet Win-Application 1&nbsp;production server and ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by tah on May 1, 2006