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  • Re: Very urgent problem, please

    I'm using version 5.0 &nbsp; In your demo i can't reproduce the problem because is not utf-8. &nbsp; But, the problem is the editor and not the database. If you try to insert chinese character in HTML of editor in NCR save an recall the NCR will be converted in plain chinese text. &nbsp; With normal textarea there is the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by orsottone on June 21, 2006
  • Very urgent problem, please

    Hello, i'm working with cuteeditor 5 for asp. &nbsp; I've a problem with japanese language that i paste on HTML of editor in Numeric Character References (NCS) and save it into a unicode db. &nbsp; The problem is that if i recall saved html in editor, it will convert me in text. I've tried also with server.htmlencode, but there are problem ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by orsottone on June 16, 2006