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  • Cute Chat Licenses

    Hi, I want to distributed Cute Chat License within a single commercial application developed by Manapro Consultores. I want to know what kind of Cute Chat License I need to buy. And I want to know the Cute Chat Source Code License Cost
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by mrios on July 20, 2006
  • Cute Chat

    Hi, I need Cute Chat license to&nbsp; be distributed within a single commercial application developed by Manapro Consultores. I need integrated Cute Chat&nbsp; to our database application and sell our application with Cute Chat. &nbsp; I don`t know what kind of license I need to buy. &nbsp; What is the Source Code License cost ?
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by mrios on July 20, 2006