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  • Re: Loading content pages ( 2.0 ) in the Editor

    Same issue. How to edit only the content inside the content place holders?I tried both 'true' and 'false' for AllowEditServerSideCode='''', but to no prevail. Any ideas?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BrandonPSA on September 26, 2006
  • Re: Need some basic help

    Basically everything is working fine, EXCEPT that I can't get the editor to just edit the content inside the contentPlaceholder. It keeps wanting to edit and re-write my ''&lt;%@ Page Language=''C#'' MasterPageFile=''~/MasterPage.master'' etc etc'' as html.Any ideas?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BrandonPSA on September 26, 2006
  • Re: Need some basic help

    Basically I've created two copies of all my pages. A set for administration (for editing) and a set the public will see. Here is what the viewable page looks like (using master pages):==============================================================&lt;%@ Page Language=''C#'' MasterPageFile=''~/MasterPage.master'' AutoEventWireup=''true'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BrandonPSA on September 25, 2006
  • Need some basic help

    Hi, I've been trying to get CuteEditor to work for quite a few days but unfortunately things aren't going so well. Heres a rundown:I have a .NET 2.0 site, but it's 99% all HTML, roughly 12 pages, so it's fairly simple and small. All I need to know is how to get this CuteEditor to work with the site? I have read and followed the deployment.htm ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BrandonPSA on September 25, 2006
  • Error after 'Update Page'

    The site is currently not on a server, and only being tested locally -- note the file path \\...wwwroot.This is the error message I'm getting after I edit a page's content, then click 'Update Page'.Any ideas? This was working fine yesterday, and nothing has been changed since. Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by BrandonPSA on September 15, 2006