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  • Re: web messenger

    Adam, &nbsp; Yes, I go to&nbsp;;and then click the messenger tab in the top right hand corner.&nbsp; I am then online and start chatting to my contacts, but after about 5, 10 or sometimes as long as 15 minutes later, it disconnects me and I have to log in again. &nbsp; Why is this?&nbsp; Please let me ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by SAV on December 1, 2006
  • Re: web messenger

    Adam, &nbsp; I'm go to the cute website.&nbsp; Log in and then click on messenger on the top right corner of the web page.&nbsp; This logs me in to the messenger but after about 5-15 minutes, it automatically logs me out. &nbsp; Let me know, &nbsp; Thanks, &nbsp; Sav
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by SAV on November 30, 2006
  • web messenger

    After I am talking to someone on messenger, I get kicked out after a few minutes.&nbsp; Why does this happen?&nbsp; Is there a setting that fixes this? &nbsp; Please let me know. &nbsp; Sav
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by SAV on November 21, 2006