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  • Cute Editor 6.1

    Hi I have a lincense for the 5.3 editon, and I&nbsp;think&nbsp;I&#180;m entitle to get the&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1 version upgrade. I did the download and replaced the bin files and the Cuteeditor folder. However, the editor is not working... Do I need a new license for it? Am I missing something? &nbsp; Thank very much, &nbsp; Rodrigo
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rodbrca on August 21, 2008
  • cuteeditor not working after visible=false

    Hi, &nbsp; I&#180;m trying to use cuteeditor in a form that will display the editor only on the second step... And it is not working... does anybody know why? &nbsp; &lt;div step=1 runat=server&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div step=2 runat=server visible=false&gt; &lt;ce:editor&gt;&lt;/ce:editor&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rodbrca on June 30, 2008