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  • Showing history

    Hi, &nbsp; is it possible to show history with cutechat. It looks as if it only shows history of teh last hour. If someone logs in later he/she does not see what was chatted earlier that day. &nbsp; What I would like to know if you can change this into a query that shows the last 200 messages. If possible a variable which can be set either to ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by stefanrvc on September 5, 2004
  • Bad words

    Hi, &nbsp; is it possible to make a bad words list based on a text or xml file? In the webconfig a section for bad words exists, but only works with words. &nbsp; Regards Stefan
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by stefanrvc on August 28, 2004