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  • Re: Universal Keyboard - Add a language?

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Thanks for the quick reply. I assume then, that the universal keyboard a Portuguese user would use would be the same as one of the ones available on the universal keyboard form? &nbsp; At any rate, I added the ability to choose from the different languages. They all work great except two, which cause a javascript error (the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Muffaletta on January 8, 2007
  • Universal Keyboard - Add a language?

    Hi, &nbsp; So far, so good with the Cute Editor.&nbsp; I am wondering though, would it be difficult to add a language, specifically Portuguese, to the universal keyboard feature? &nbsp; Any help in accomplishing something like this is appreciated. &nbsp; Thanks!
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Muffaletta on January 8, 2007