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  • The "Insert Table" drop down seems to act differently between my mycustom.config and full.config.

    Hi, &nbsp; I'm trying to figure out how to do this. I added the XML into my custom config to use table inserting and handling (rows, cols, merging, splitting, etc). The button to insert a table appears to be: &lt;item type=''table'' /&gt; &nbsp; When I use full.config and click the little table button, a small drop down flies out allowing ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jbrigham on March 2, 2007
  • Re: Problems with Javascript API

    Hi, &nbsp; Yes.&nbsp; After some experimenting, it turns out that you place a ''CE_'' and ''_ID'' around my actual id.&nbsp; Therefore when I looked for ''CE_ceEditor_ID'', it was able to find the object. Now I see what you are pushing using the _ClientID from the server side. &nbsp; Also, just an FYI, your Javascript API document specifies ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jbrigham on February 19, 2007
  • Problems with Javascript API

    Hi, &nbsp; I have a very simple little function that is attempting to add some HTML to my editor, but it keeps failing with the typical javascript error (''Object doesn't support this property or method.''). &nbsp; I have looked through this forum, but all the posts regarding Jscript are several years old and I'm not sure if they still apply. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jbrigham on February 19, 2007
  • Enabled Property not working

    Hi, &nbsp; I have a screen that has different modes and sometimes I want to disable the editor unless the user clicks a button.&nbsp; However, when I set the editor to disabled, it still works.&nbsp; The only thing that changes is the dropdowns (CSS Style, Size, etc) turn gray.&nbsp; They still work though. &nbsp; Can you please explain to me ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jbrigham on February 16, 2007