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  • Re: Injected Script

    Adam, &nbsp; If I click in the HTML button and try to insert the following ''&lt;SCRIPT language=''JavaScript'' src=''/Mexico/teste/fltifo.js''&gt;&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;'' I get the Injected Script when I save the text. &nbsp; Thanks, &nbsp; Rodrigo&nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rodbr on November 21, 2004
  • Injected Script

    Hello, &nbsp; How can I do to avoid the Editor to filter Javascripts? Do I have to create my own filter? If possible canyou give examples... &nbsp; Thank You
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rodbr on November 20, 2004
  • Re: <BR> instead of <P>

    Adam, &nbsp; It may sound stupid, but how do I implement the BreakMode (&lt;BR&gt;) on my page? &nbsp; Thank Very Much, &nbsp; Rodrigo
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rodbr on September 26, 2004
  • <BR> instead of <P>

    Hello, &nbsp; I was going over the manual and I believe that I can change the Editor to use &lt;br&gt; instead of &lt;p&gt; when I press the entre button. How can I change this option. Another question is: Is there a InsertTemplatePath or the Template Folder is the unique path to access pages templates? &nbsp; Thank You, &nbsp; Rodrigo Galvão
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rodbr on August 25, 2004