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  • Operator console auto login

    Hi,&nbsp;I just&nbsp;need to know that is there any option in operator console for a user as&nbsp;he can login automatically when he login his windows? we can put operator console exe in windows startup but still need to click on login button i don't&nbsp;found any help from your provided guidance on website and don't know how it will work for me. ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by adilaleem on July 9, 2009
  • Operator not logging

    I used client chat tag in&nbsp;three websites websiteA, websiteB&nbsp;and websiteC, if i am connecting to admin panel using websiteA or websiteB&nbsp;URLs then its working fine but when i am using websiteC URL then it keep raising an error ''Login form return OK! but login failed''. why?. how can i resolve this problem. (i have a demo version ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by adilaleem on March 10, 2007
  • Live Operator

    How can i register the operator and from where. because no any operator comes in the list when i hit the search button.
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by adilaleem on March 7, 2007