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  • Re: html relative/absolute link question

    Adam, &nbsp; Thanks for the reply. Sorry, but I have one more question. How to I set the url to ''prepend'' to the image? For example, I want to replace with a different site. Is the codebehind available for this example? Do i need that? Because, I have looked through the example, and it looks like what I want to do. I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sbranigan on May 17, 2007
  • html relative/absolute link question

    I am writing&nbsp;a C#/ASP.NET application: I want to allow a user to edit an html message and insert images. Pretty simple, right? I want to allow the user to upload the image to a directory that I specify via the C# program. I assume that I need to allow the user to upload the image to a ''relative'' link? &nbsp; By the time they save the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sbranigan on May 16, 2007