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  • Re: Counting characters in the text area

    Well at least I know I am not crazy.&nbsp; I have also asked for some input from support at CuteSoft.&nbsp; We shall&nbsp; see. The first reply I got was to use CuteEditor_OnChange event and to look at the javascript API and modify code as I needed.&nbsp; However, it seems to be beyond my pay grade.&nbsp; I am a self taught ''programmer'' and I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by brumby on August 27, 2007
  • Setting default font face and size

    I am brand new to CE.&nbsp; I would like to set a default font size and face for CE.&nbsp; So far I am unable to see how to do this.&nbsp; Can anyone provice some input for me? &nbsp; Thanks Brumby
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by brumby on August 27, 2007
  • Counting characters in the text area

    I am looking for a way to count the characters in the editor and then display the count so that the user knows how many characters they have remaining for their message.&nbsp; I have done this in the past in a text area using OnKeyDown and OnKeyUo functions and then a read only input text box to display the remaining characters.&nbsp; However it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by brumby on August 27, 2007