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  • Re: Chat Trial Install

    Yes, I went through all three steps and configured per the directions.&nbsp; The next screen on the deployment.htm is configuration and it says to login as admin.&nbsp; Login where?&nbsp; What directory and aspx file should I browse to?&nbsp; I didn't notice there is no default.aspx in CuteChat folder, but I still don't know where to go ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Salukis on August 31, 2007
  • Chat Trial Install

    I am having headaches trying to get this trial working.&nbsp; I followed the directions in the deployment.htm file. The install is standalone on an IIS 6, .net 2 Win 2003 server. When browsing to the CuteChat directory via IE7, I get an http 403 Forbidden error. Can someone help me?&nbsp; I am sure it is a simple security setting ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Salukis on August 30, 2007