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  • Template editor ?'s

    I have two questions.&nbsp; When I add a drop down box to a template and then select ''allow multible selections'' it wont allow me to select multiple selections only one.&nbsp; Also,&nbsp; when I add a radio button to a template and then check the radio button it wont allow me to uncheck it, so if i make a mistake and click on the wrong radio ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MikebOA on January 14, 2008
  • Printing a Barcode

    &nbsp; This is my problem: I&#8217;m using a barcode font to print out barcode on PDF file (inputted from HTML string). It works on my local PC,&nbsp; but when I put the same code and same font on web server, it does not produce the barcode on the PDF file Here is my HTML code: &lt;span style=''font-family: Free 3 of 9; font-size: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MikebOA on December 20, 2007
  • Creating PDF's

    &nbsp; The issues we have are: 1. We use cute's component to create PDF file: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; objHtmlToPDF = new CuteEditor.Convertor.PDF.HTML2PDF(strViewDocData) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; objHtmlToPDF.Render() &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; objHtmlToPDF.Save(strViewFileName) where strViewDocData is a string of HTML code.&nbsp;&nbsp; The component ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by MikebOA on October 4, 2007