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  • Re: Use <br> instead of <div> and no CSS preview

    Hey Adam. &nbsp; Thanks, I got it. It's nut just enough to add the css to the file I assigned to CuteEditor. The styles also must be stored in the default.css file to become effective. &nbsp; By the way an additional question: do you know the name of the CSS class defining the default text in the editor box? &nbsp; Thanks and regards, Mark
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kermit on December 6, 2007
  • Use <br> instead of <div> and no CSS preview

    Good morning. &nbsp; I have some problems with my Cute Editor and I have no idea what to do anymore. &nbsp; The first thing is: Cute creates &lt;div&gt; instead of &lt;br&gt;. Sorry, I hate that, I think it's rubbish. If I set a line break I wanna get a line break and no &lt;div&gt;. How can I get Cute to use &lt;br&gt;? &nbsp; The other ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kermit on December 4, 2007