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  • Re: CuteEditor making <br>'s ?

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Thank you very much for the fast reply. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by UseBROnCarriageReturn, since i cant seem to find the word anywhere in my code or in the cutesoft include. &nbsp; I cant seem to find much about version, but as far as i see from the CuteEditorForASPUseGuide.pdf it's version 2Regards, FeliX
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by FeliX on November 12, 2004
  • CuteEditor making <br>'s ?

    Hi, &nbsp; I've been using CuteEditor for some time now, but suddenly it just started making &lt;br&gt;'s on its own all over the place when i edit the content in it. F.x. it puts extra &lt;br&gt;'s on the end of lines in a &lt;li&gt; tag, after table, tr, td and so on. &nbsp; It is really ignoring me, how come it does that, and what should i ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by FeliX on November 12, 2004