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  • Re: Problem with editor.ImageGalleryPath variable

    Hello Adam &nbsp; Thank you for your advise. I just saw that the&nbsp;my script now is imagepath = ''/'' &amp; variable &amp; ''/images'' which is correct but the images still don't appear. &nbsp; Please suggest. &nbsp; Thank you
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by koge on September 30, 2004
  • Problem with editor.ImageGalleryPath variable

    Hello there &nbsp; I have problem with editor.ImageGalleryPath variable. &nbsp; I tried &nbsp; imagepath = ''/'' &amp; variable ''/images'' editor.ImageGalleryPath = imagepath &nbsp; when I response.write ''imagepath'', it appears to be the right path that images are exist. &nbsp; But when I click on insert image icon on the editor, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by koge on September 28, 2004