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  • Best way to determine if editor is loaded as a TextArea or WYSIWYG editor

    What is the best method to determine if I am dealing with a WYSIWYG editor or just a textarea?&#160; I have other controls on the page which depend on the type of editor is loaded. I need to set certain properties if the guest's browser is able to use the rich text editor or not.&#160; I am looking through the docs but can not find a simple ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by custfeedback on February 21, 2005
  • JavaScript not decrypting

    I am upgrading from 3.0 to and can not get editor to load in IE 6 or FireFox (Have not tried any other browsers).&#160; I am getting an &#8220;Invalid Character&#8221; client side exception and quickly realized that all *.js.aspx pages are returning the encrypted sources.&#160; When I call the *.js.aspx?settinghash=xxxxx in the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by custfeedback on January 24, 2005