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  • HOw do you "export plain text"

    I am trying to integrate my cutesoft editor with a spellchecker so I need to be able pass the spell checker plain text from the editor (HTML tags will be flagged as misspelled words otherwise!). THe website says this is a feature of the cutesoft editor but I can't find any reference to it in the docs. How do you export plain text? Thanks!
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by dcheest on October 14, 2004
  • Re: How do I access the HTML code the user creates?

    I figured it out myself.&nbsp; You need to access the property called ''Editor1_HTMLContent'' where ''Editor1'' is ID of your editor control. &nbsp; i.e. in ASP use: &nbsp; Request.Form(''Editor1_HTMLContent'')
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by dcheest on October 4, 2004
  • How do I access the HTML code the user creates?

    I have an existing application that I am integrating my CuteEditor for ASP into.&nbsp; When the user the clicks ''Submit'' I want the data from the editor to sent with an ID of ''htmlCode''.&nbsp; How do I control the name of the variable that gets sent to the ''action'' part of my form? &nbsp; Thanks!
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by dcheest on October 4, 2004