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  • Re: mailto cut and past error

    Thanks, Adam.&nbsp; Any idea what the timeframe on this might be? &nbsp; Also, under certain circumstances, a similar problem happens when you cut and paste a link.&nbsp; I would need to do some trial and error to rediscover how to reproduce it.&nbsp; I am guessing that whatever you do to fix the mailto problem will fix the link problem ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rlanderson on October 28, 2004
  • mailto cut and past error

    Using CuteEditor 3.0, embedded in an asp web page, we find that links and mailtos get corrupted when they are cut and pasted within the richtext editor.&nbsp;&nbsp;To duplicate this problem: (1) start from a CuteEditor edit window.&nbsp; For instance, when posting a reply to this post(2) enter some text.&nbsp; Include one email address (eg. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rlanderson on October 25, 2004
  • Re: error cutting and pasting links and mailtos

    Adam, &nbsp; Yes, we tried version 3.0 and experienced this problem. &nbsp; Bob
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rlanderson on October 19, 2004
  • error cutting and pasting links and mailtos

    Using ASPEdit 1.0, embedded in an asp web page, we find that links and mailtos get corrupted when they are cut and pasted within the richtext editor.&nbsp; We have confirmed that this problem also exists in CuteEditor.&nbsp; To duplicate this problem: (1) start from a blank ASPEdit or CuteEditor edit window.(2) enter some text.&nbsp; Include one ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rlanderson on October 18, 2004