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  • Re: security concerns

    looks i checked the ''remember login'' which persisted the auth info on the cookie, but that is supposed to remember login ID only right? &nbsp; in a production box, should we remove the default.aspx, and test.* which looks like some testing code right? &nbsp; thanks! &nbsp; Jack &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by jackj on April 13, 2008
  • security concerns

    Hi, &nbsp; I download the trial version and install on the server, there is a security concern: &nbsp; I logged in with the testing Admin user on the page supportadmin, and then I opened a new IE and type the admin page URL and then I was able to see all of the admin content on the new browser. is there no authentication check ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by jackj on April 13, 2008