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  • Re: Private Chats

    I have a licensed copy.&nbsp; In the BIN folder is the file cutechat.lic.&nbsp; So on one machine I'm running the cutechat sample solution and signing on as an administrator then going into the support console and checking the box ''I am ready to do next support''.&nbsp; On anothe machine, I'm logging in as a non administrator, but after I enter ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by PaulJanis on November 15, 2004
  • Re: Private Chats

    Thanks for responding back Adam.&nbsp; I can see that the support room feature would work for my situation.&nbsp; I started my administrator and clicked the checkbox so ''Live help is available'' for a student (non admin user).&nbsp; When I try to connect to the Live help, I get the dialog to enter name, email and message.&nbsp;&nbsp;After that I ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by PaulJanis on November 12, 2004
  • Private Chats

    Is there a way to auto logon someone (assuming they're already registered) and then redirect them to a ''Private'' chat window?&nbsp; Basically the scenario is that we have students and operators that may need to chat for some reason.&nbsp; A student would not be able to chat to an operator until that operator auto logged on and was waiting in a ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by PaulJanis on November 12, 2004