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  • RTF backcolor lost

    When saving and reloading&nbsp;RTF&nbsp;text from a SQL database field&nbsp;we experienced that HighLighted backcolor get lost. Any workaround or update to solve this problem? &nbsp; Best regards, &nbsp; Gian Luca
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gianluca.geremia on August 12, 2008
  • RTF text problem

    We are&nbsp;evaluating the Cute Editor 6.0 trial&nbsp;in conjunction&nbsp;with loading/saving RTF text from SQL database, finding some strange behavior: When saving and reloading&nbsp;the RTF&nbsp;text,&nbsp;HighLighted background is missing When saving and reloading&nbsp;the RTF&nbsp;text, a numbered list appears as normal text. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gianluca.geremia on May 5, 2008