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  • changing cutesoft_client\cutechat folder names

    I copied all the files from web directory to the website root folder. &nbsp; And then I wanted to rename CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat to Client/Chat. Also changed the&nbsp; live operator.config.exe as follows &nbsp; &lt;configuration xmlns=''''&gt; &nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by naveenv2002 on January 20, 2009
  • Re: cutelive support customization

    Thanks for the Reply. &nbsp; How do we go about the Live Operator. We wish to have the Live Operator customization too.? &nbsp; In the Live Operator Setup, It mentions,&nbsp; &nbsp; WELCOME TO CUTE LIVE SUPPORT SETUP WIZARD &nbsp; We want this to be&nbsp; support setup wizard. &nbsp; Even if this is n't possible ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by naveenv2002 on July 29, 2008
  • cutelive support customization

    we need to customize cutesoft live support and cutechat application. &nbsp; The customization requirements are that, where ever there is a reference of cutesoft or cutechat or cute, that needs to be replaced with ''companyname''&nbsp; both on the operator and on the chat live support application. &nbsp; For the end user the applications ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by naveenv2002 on July 12, 2008