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  • Difference between <div>, <p>, and <br>

    All,&#160;This is a really great application - very easy to set up, and very powerful for its price and simplicity.&#160;One question, however - I can't figure out why, when I enter CRs in the text, I sometimes generate &lt;divs&gt;, sometimes generate &lt;p&gt;, and other times just a &lt;br&gt;&#160;There must be some logic to this, but I can't ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by mstuehler on January 27, 2005
  • Re: accessing the editor's text in javascript (ASP version!)

    My apologies!&#160;After a more thorough search, I found exactly the answer I needed in a post from Adam: function getHTML() { &#160; &#160;//Editor1 is the ID of the Editor &#160;var editor&#160;= document.getElementById(''Editor1_editBox''); &#160;alert(editor.innerHTML); } I didn't know about that ''_editBox'' part! Thanks Adam!&#160;&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by mstuehler on January 27, 2005
  • accessing the editor's text in javascript (ASP version!)

    What a great piece of software!&#160;I have a question that's been asked several times in this forum, but I didn't understand the responses, so I'll try to be more specific:&#160;1. I've created a custom button:&#160;editor.CustomAddons = ''&lt;img title=''''Custom Addons'''' class=''''button'''' onclick=''''sendText()'''' ...&#160;2. As you can ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by mstuehler on January 27, 2005