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  • How can i redirect the page within the popup window

    Hello, I was writing a custom control embedded in CuteEditor in page(A.aspx). The button pop up a dialog window with contents linked to another page(B.aspx). &nbsp; I want to make another button(O) on page(B.aspx) that the click event of that button redirect the page(B.aspx) to page(C.aspx). The page(C.aspx) have to be placed in the same ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by pyrochlore on September 26, 2008
  • the mask of modalpopup window

    Hello, For an usual modal popup window, the area except the popup window should be masked. When i was using the function with modal popup window here(for example, after clicking the insertImage function), i noticed that only part of the page was covered by a mask. How can i fix this problem. Thanks. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by pyrochlore on August 15, 2008