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  • Re: Content area collapses in Google Chrome

    Thanks Eric, that seems to have done the trick. &nbsp; However, because I've made some extensive changes to my current version, what files can I copy over from the version your provided that would remedy the issue I was having? Or simply put, do I have to replace ALL the files and overwrite all my current files? &nbsp; Also, what did you ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MrFreelancer on July 21, 2010
  • Re: Content area collapses in Google Chrome

    I did check the link&nbsp;you provided however, that editor there is set with the default height of 300 so it's not noticeable. It only seems to happen when it's greater than the default height of 300. &nbsp; I've email you with further details and link/ftp to check it out.
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MrFreelancer on July 20, 2010
  • Content area collapses in Google Chrome

    I've read throughout the forum and found a similar problem but not a resolution. So I'm hoping someone or admin can assist. &nbsp; I'm using 6.5 (i believe).... downloaded the latest version on July 4th 2010. In Chrome (v 5), there's a huge gap between the bottom of the toolbars and the start of the editor content area. Actually, the gap get's ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MrFreelancer on July 18, 2010
  • Re: Stripping CSS single quotes

    Actually, it's a Firefox bahaviour as well. All 3 versions of Firefox (1,2,3). It would be nice to have it resolved, however in the meantime, I've simply created a post ''clean-up'' if you will via regular expressions. &nbsp; The thing is, if you were to ''paste'' a layout into it, no prob. However, the minute you view the ''source'' or submit ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MrFreelancer on September 3, 2008
  • Stripping CSS single quotes

    Hopefully some one has an answer and work around for this. &nbsp; My CSS single quotes are being stripped when going&nbsp;between ''HTML''&nbsp;and ''Normal''&nbsp;views. for example.... this =&gt; style=''background: url('my/image/path');'' gets replace by this =&gt; style=''background: url(my/image/path);'' &nbsp; As well, this occurs if ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MrFreelancer on August 31, 2008