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  • Re: The uploader freezes IE7 when 500 files are selected.

    &nbsp; Another thing: &nbsp; After the upload of all the selected files, a list of the uploaded&nbsp;files are shown with a ''Remove'' option. That looks a little strange with 500 files. I assume there is a JavaScript method to override that too? &nbsp; jl
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by jlauridsen on November 6, 2008
  • Re: The uploader freezes IE7 when 500 files are selected.

    &nbsp; Thanks Terry, &nbsp; I am able to select multiple files (so I guess it is using flash?) The freeze seem to be caused by the JavaScript handling in the default OnQueueUI. &nbsp; So are there APIs for calculating remaining upload time ? And is it possible to control the progress bar (to display remaining bytes to upload / total bytes ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by jlauridsen on November 6, 2008
  • The uploader freezes IE7 when 500 files are selected.

    &nbsp; My application need to allow our customers to upload a large number of files in one round (&gt; 5000). I tried the multi file test application which seem to: 1) Freeze the browser 2) Creates a long list of files to be uploaded. (too long to see any of the progress bar) &nbsp; Q1: Is there a hard limitation anywhere - or should this ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by jlauridsen on November 5, 2008