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  • some question

    How to: &nbsp; If the user put picture with a biger wilth then then richtextbox, autosize for fit(never be more big) &nbsp; Put bigger upload picture limit. &nbsp; Can I create menu? because my richtextbox wiltd is limited, and half of the place with full stuff is toolbar. &nbsp; If I can put only two line that will be better, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by XGuarden on December 2, 2008
  • problems with cute editor

    First problem, I want all option but with minimum space... result: &nbsp; anyway to put that correcly? like with TAB? &nbsp; Second question, it is possible to change uplaod picture directory depending of user? Check the user, and depending the user open a diferent folder.
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by XGuarden on November 19, 2008