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  • Re: saveing the page

    &nbsp; THX for your help the example you sent me is to complicated for me I need simple example on how to use cute editor step by step for first timer what I want is two pages one is the html page that is online in the web site for every one to see and another page in background that edit the online pages and when I save the changes to the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by omanno on January 26, 2009
  • saveing the page

    Hello. i just downloads and trying to test the editor before i will purchase. im working with 3.5 express edition with c#. i want to use the editor for one reason: i want to make 2 different pages: a for the site owner that he will be able to control the page, add, and update the text. and the second page is the html page that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by omanno on January 25, 2009