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  • hierarchy in the custom links box

    is it possible to create a tree structure in the custom links box?&#160;so for example if I wanted to use it within a site with many pages, can I have link items like:----------------------------A-ABC Page-Apple page&#160;B-BCD Page-B page---------------------------- and have the A and B collapsible.&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by lgelbak on May 31, 2005
  • multiple directories for uploading

    Hi,&#160;Is it possible to specify more than one directory for the repository of either images, flash, media or documents?&#160;I have&#160;a number of directories to which I need to provide access and they are not in the same branch of the directory structure. Therefore need to assign more than one dir to for example the ''ImageGalleryPath''. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by lgelbak on May 31, 2005