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  • Re: HTML Output Databinding

    Thanks for the response, but I already tried that.&nbsp; I databind it, but it does not put anything in the database on insert.&nbsp; Does the column in the database need to be formatted something else then ''text''?&nbsp; Does there need to be a format for the databind?&nbsp; It is weired that it is not working. &nbsp; Thanks in advance.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kjkramer on July 22, 2008
  • HTML Output Databinding

    Hello.&nbsp; I have an ASPX website.&nbsp; I have a FormControl for adding an entry into a database.&nbsp; I need to use the Cute Editor for adding HTML to a cell in the database, but I can't figure out whic property to bind the database to.&nbsp; Do I need to do something else that is not binding to get the HTML into the cell.&nbsp; If more ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kjkramer on July 20, 2008