Cute Editor for ASP

Toolbar Configuration File Structure

Toolbar Configuration File Structure

The CuteEditor toolbar configuration files, which contain XML, specify the toolbar configuration information of the CuteEditor instance. These configurations are applied using AutoConfigure property. The Full.config configuration files can be thought of as the master configuration file.

This topic explains the contents of the Cute Editor toolbar configuration files. Specifically, it shows the XML structure. All the configuration files can be found in the /cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure folder.
XML Structure:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
  2. <configuration>  
  3.        <toolbars>  
  4.            <item type="g_start" />  
  5.            <item type="image" name="Save" postback="True" />  
  6.            <item type="image" name="Bold"  Visible="True" />  
  7.            <item type="netspell" />  
  8.            <item type="image" name="InsertDate" imagename="insertdate" />  
  9.            <item type="dropdown" name="CssClass" RenderItemBorder="true" text="[[CssClass]]" command="CssClass" />  
  10.             ...    
  11.            <item type="g_end" />  
  12.        </toolbars>  
  13. </configuration>  

  <configuration> Element

Each configuration file must start with the configuration element.

  <contextmenu> Element

Specify the context menu configuration information of the Cute Editor instance.

  contextmenu: <item> Element


Represent a group of context menus.

Attribute Description

This attribute contains the name of context menu group.


Group Menu Name Menu Items
Editing Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, SelectAll, Edit
Format Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeThrough, ForeColor, BackColor, Justify, JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, JustifyFull, JustifyNone, Indent, Outdent, Superscript, Subscript, RemoveFormat
Insert ImageGalleryByBrowsing, InsertImage, InsertFlash, InsertMedia, InsertDocument, InsertTemplate, InsertTable, InsertHorizontalRule, InsertForm, Advanced
InsertAdvanced Paragraph, LineBreak, OrderedList, UnorderedList, InsertFieldSet, InsertText
InsertFiles ImageGalleryByBrowsing, InsertImage, InsertFlash, InsertMedia, InsertDocument
InsertForms InsertForm, InsertInputText, InsertTextBox, InsertRadioBox, InsertCheckBox, InsertListBox, InsertDropDown, InsertInputImage, InsertInputSubmit, InsertInputReset, InsertInputReset, InsertInputReset, InsertInputButton
Relative Tags Find and Edit the nearest element
Verbs element Verbs

value Specifies whether the context menu group is enabled.  If false, the context menu group will be disabled.


    <toolbars> Element

This element contains the configuration information for the toolbars within Cute Editor.

    toolbars: <item> Element


This element contains the configuration information for a toolbar for use within Cute Editor.

Attribute Description
Type This attribute contains the type information of a toolbar.

Type Name Description
g_start  Start of a Group Menu
g_end End of a Group Menu
image An image button.
netspell A NetSell button
separator A space or line between toolbar buttons
linebreak Inserts a line break.
table   A table button
ForeColor A ForeColor button
BackColor A BackColor button
dropdown A drop-down control that displays a menu
holder Custom button holder
imagename Specifies the image name of the button if the image name of the button is different from the item name attribute.
postback Specifies whether an automatic postback to the server will occur whenever the user clicks the button.
RenderItemBorder Specifies whether the border of the item on a rich drop-down menu should render.
Visible Indicates whether the item should appear in the toolbar or not.

This attribute contains the name information of a toolbar.


Item Name Description
Save  Save
Print Print
Find   Find and Replace
CleanCode  Code Cleaner
Cut Cut
Copy Copy
Paste Paste
PasteText  Paste Plain Text
PasteWord  Paste from word
Delete Delete
Undo Undo
Redo Redo
Break  Break
InsertDate   Insert the current date
InsertTime   Insert the current time
ToggleBorder Visible Borders
InsertChars Special Chars
InsertEmotion Insert Emotion
InsertText Text Frame
InsertFieldSet  GroupBox
ImageGalleryByBrowsing  Insert Image
InsertImage  Insert Image
InsertFlash  Insert Flash
InsertMedia  Insert Media
InsertDocument  Insert Document
InsertTemplate  Insert Template
InsertRowTop Insert Rows
InsertRowBottom  Insert Row Below
DeleteRow Delete Rows
InsertColumnLeft  Insert Column to the Left
InsertColumnRight  Insert Column to the Right
DeleteColumn Delete columns
InsertCell Insert cells
DeleteCell Delete cells
EditRow   Row properties
EditCell   Cell properties
MergeRight  Merge right
MergeBottom  Merge below
HorSplitCell  Horizontal split
VerSplitCell  Vertical split
Form  Form
InsertTextBox  TextArea
InsertInputText  Input Text Box
InsertInputPassword  Password field
InsertInputhidden  Hidden field
InsertListBox  ListBox
InsertDropDown  Dropdown Box
InsertRadioBox  Radio Button
InsertCheckBox  Checkbox
InsertInputImage  Image Button
InsertInputSubmit  Submit Button
InsertInputReset  Reset Button
InsertInputButton  Input Button
Bold Bold
Italic Italicize
Underline  Underline
JustifyLeft Left Justify
JustifyCenter Center
JustifyRight Right Justify
JustifyFull  Justify Full
JustifyNone   Justify None
RemoveFormat Remove Format
InsertOrderedList Ordered List
InsertUnorderedList Unordered List
Indent Indent
Outdent Outdent
Subscript Subscript
Superscript Superscript
Strikethrough Strike Through
Ucase  Upper Case
Lcase  Lower Case
InsertHorizontalRule Insert Rule
InsertLink Insert Link
Unlink Remove Link
InsertAnchor Insert Anchor
SelectAll Select All
SelectNone   Select None
AbsolutePosition Absolute Position
BringForward Bring Forward
BringBackward Send Backward
ToggleBorder  Toggle Border
DocumentPropertyPage  Page Properties
CssClass CssClass dropdown
CssStyle CssStyle dropdown
FormatBlock Paragraph dropdown
FontName FontName dropdown
FontSize FontSize dropdown
Links Links dropdown
Codes Codes dropdown
Images Images dropdown
Zoom Zoom dropdown