Editor fails in IE 5.5 - Urgent request for Cutesoft Management contact

  •  09-21-2005, 7:24 PM

    Editor fails in IE 5.5 - Urgent request for Cutesoft Management contact

    May I please have a contact for somebody in the Cutesoft management team?
    Preferably I would like to phone somebody.  I have been assisted by Adam, he is very helpful and seems to be the only moderator on this forum.  You claim Cute Editor fro ASP is IE 5.5+ compatable, it is absolutly not.  I do not wish to alter your client side code that is failing, I wish to speak to somebody about it.  My ultimate goal is to work towards getting your tool working in this environment.
    I am disapointed three or four very simple questions have not been addressed on this forum.  The fact I was asked if I had an include file path incorrect after explaining page behaviours is a worry.  A page will not render in classic ASP if an include file path is in correct, this is simple stuff.  I do not wish to come accross as a know it all, my applogies if I have.  My request is for direct phone contact with somebody in management in your organization.  We have a big problem that has stopped a major project dead in its tracks as a result of the incompatibiity with your editor in IE 5.5  -  I always new the business system I have built was going onto a network with IE 5.5 in thier SOE. The purchase would not have been made if your website did not say it was compatible. 
    Here is the page that says its compatible:
    I would very much appreciate this post being addressed asap.  We either need to work together to resolve this, which makes your product better and does what it claims to do.

    My email address is:

    BTW : Anybody else out there having this problem.  I am very interested to hear...

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