A tool for showing Cutesoft.net team Issues

Last post 03-14-2008, 6:53 AM by LOGIKonline. 0 replies.
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  •  03-14-2008, 6:53 AM 37958

    A tool for showing Cutesoft.net team Issues

    Hi everyone,
      It appears that Adam is always asking us to show him issues in his example editor on the site, then we wait for them to reproduce the issue.  Well - to help make him "see" the issues more clearly - TechSmith has a free (quite cool) cross-platform tool called Jing.  With this tool you can take quick tiny videos/images - which they host for free too - of the issue and I find rapidly speeds up the time to make the support guy on the other end visualize our issue.
    hope this helps

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