I have a problem at the beginning of the installation of cutechat.
1. Unzip the CuteChatSamplePortal.zip file
2. Creata a new virtual directory called 'SamplePortal' which points to the 'SamplePortal\Web' folder in the above zip file.
3 Create a new database called "SamplePortal"
4. Grant your login access to the new database.
My website and its sql database are shared and I can't create a database (only tables - I manage it with access)
5. Execute SQLScripts\cutechat2.sql
6. Execute SQLScripts\1_CreateTables.sql
7. Execute SQLScripts\2_CreateDefaultData.sql
How and where can I execute these files ? Is there a map that indicate the table parameters to create them manually ?
Next point after a first clarification... but your documentation is really poor...
Thank you for your clarification,