Where and how to run the .sql files

Last post 05-19-2005, 9:43 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  05-19-2005, 9:28 PM 6846

    Where and how to run the .sql files

    I have a problem at the beginning of the installation of cutechat.
    1. Unzip the CuteChatSamplePortal.zip file
    2. Creata a new virtual directory called 'SamplePortal' which points to the 'SamplePortal\Web' folder in the above zip file.


    3 Create a new database called "SamplePortal"
    4. Grant your login access to the new database.

    My website and its sql database are shared and I can't create a database (only tables - I manage it with access)
    5. Execute SQLScripts\cutechat2.sql
    6. Execute SQLScripts\1_CreateTables.sql
    7. Execute SQLScripts\2_CreateDefaultData.sql
    How and where can I execute these files ? Is there a map that indicate the table parameters to create them manually ?
    Next point after a first clarification... but your documentation is really poor...
    Thank you for your clarification,
  •  05-19-2005, 9:43 PM 6847 in reply to 6846

    Re: Where and how to run the .sql files

    Open your client copy of SQL Server Query Analyzer from within Enterprise Manager.

    If you are using MSDE we would suggest the tools at http://www.msde.biz/ to install and set permissions on your database as you will not have a GUI available and using the command line utilities provided can be cumbersome.

    Once you have successfully connected to your SQL Server or MSDE database within query analyzer or other query tool, open and execute the following SQL files: 


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