Styles on HTML preview page.

Last post 10-02-2005, 9:24 PM by ThingFish. 5 replies.
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  •  09-04-2005, 10:27 PM 10137

    Styles on HTML preview page.

    Is there a workaround solution for the css styles of the body tag being shown in the html view of cute editor for asp?  This is a problem where text and bg colors are same or similar.  Can a seperate css file be specified?
    Thanks in advance.
  •  09-05-2005, 12:32 PM 10147 in reply to 10137

    Re: Styles on HTML preview page.


    editor.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 12px arial; }"
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  •  09-26-2005, 12:24 AM 11006 in reply to 10147

    Re: Styles on HTML preview page.

    I am also having trouble with this in IE.

    Applying this suggested fix does not work.

    If the body is defined as having color:white and background-color:white (using either CSS or HTML "text" & "bgcolor" attributes), then the HTML view appears as a blank page (white text on white background). Whilst I am aware that this is caused by poor markup in the original document, this is a real problem when editing existing markup not created in Cute Editor.

    This problem is not manifest in Firefox [but firefox exposes another set of bugs].
  •  09-26-2005, 11:31 PM 11075 in reply to 10147

    Re: Styles on HTML preview page.

    I have also tried adding a javascript function (using an input button) that resets the background-color of the textarea to white and the (font) color to black but with frustrating lack of desired results. Whilst it appears that I can access properties of the textarea object, I have so far been unable to change the color of the text using javascript in IE.

    Can you give me some insight into how I can circumvent this Cute Editor bug? I would suggest that you don't need to apply any styles to the textarea (black Times New Roman text on a white background should be fine for the html view), but that is your concern.

    I guess my question is: Am I able to modify styles of the CE textarea form object using the DOM or can I do something else to fix this?

    P.S. This background/colour switching function works fine in Firefox but I don't need it to because Firefox works pretty well already.
  •  09-29-2005, 9:36 PM 11216 in reply to 11075

    Re: Styles on HTML preview page.


    This is a bug in the current version.
    Here is a temp solution.
    Create a new style sheet file, name it bgcolor.css.
    In the bgcolor.css file, paste the following code into it:

    BODY {
        BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff;
    Then append it to the EditorWysiwygModeCss  property.
    editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss  = "example.css,bgcolor.css"
    Hope it helps.
    Let me know if you have any further questions.
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  •  10-02-2005, 9:24 PM 11286 in reply to 11216

    Re: Styles on HTML preview page.

    Thanks Adam - this works a treat.
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